September 24, 2022
As the Executive Secretary of Catholic Board of Education, Archdiocese of Karachi, it gives me great pleasure to present the Annual Report for 2023.
The past year has been busy and it was wonderful to all the CBE,K staff and students take part in so many of our events, including retreats, committee meetings, programmes, trainings etc.
During the year 2023 more than 40 Principals, Deputies and Heads across the Board have provided input into the development of our CBE,K intuitions.
Continuous professional development and embracing new technological were emphasized to the teachers. New methodologies and practices were introduced and regular follow-ups conducted during the year.
Multiple session on teaching methodology, techniques and strategic planning were delivered with clear and consistent messages on what is valued in our institutions and services. New approaches to challenges were discussed and how to do things differently to better realize the potential of our institutions and system were encouraged.
Training programmes for individual teachers and small groups were introduced to improve teachers computing skills and assist in teaching learning process aimed at helping students develop as 21st century learners.
Financial help to our institutions remains a challenging area. Various efforts were made to encourage sustainable and best practices to better steer institutions towards financial viability and prudent spending with a focus on diversifying income streams to ensure greater self-sufficiency.
I thank His Grace Archbishop Benny Mario Travas and the members of the Board of Governors for their continual support of Catholic Board of Education office throughout 2023 and acknowledge the important work of the various committees.
The Pakistani Church is "a small but not silent Church; that does not have many resources and therefore must make choices. But one thing is certain: it must focus on the education of young people "
We are living in a fast-changing world. The pace of change is indeed
so fast that almost everything seems to be in transformation mode.
Since education cannot exist in isolation, the system needs to take
cognizance of these developments.
Besides academic excellence, our institutions are committed to inculcating in all its
students, strong ethical values of integrity, politeness, kindness and respect for elders.
Each student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents – we hope that with
motivation, encouragement and hard work that all our students will discover their individual
talents and develop into mature, happy, responsible young adult who is prepared to face the
future with confidence.
Education all over the world is undergoing a radical shift.
Knowledge is no longer constrained by time and space. It has
expanded beyond the classrooms and school campuses. In today's
world, how much you know does not matter, application of the acquired
knowledge is more important. This is where excellence in present-day education lies.
The youth of today exhibits unparalleled genius and is to be prepared for the global stage.
Schools should aim at grooming the students into ethical and principled leaders of
tomorrow, whose thoughts and actions are deeply embedded in the values and culture of our
land. I firmly believe that education should foster confidence, discipline, clarity in thought and
decision-making ability to set and achieve goals, and above all, social responsibility as a
life-long process.
During this Covid-19 period, the challenge lies in utilizing the changing learning patterns
with changes in the methods of instruction coupled with technological advancements, to
create an educational experience that will influence the holistic development of students and
uphold our commitment towards the community and nation-building.
Our Vision
To prepare the young people of Karachi with the knowledge, skills and values for life, work and responsible citizenship inspired by Catholic ethos.
Our Mission
The mission of the Catholic Board of Education Karachi, is to provide quality education to all irrespective of creed, caste ethnicity, gender and class. To promote holistic education: intellectual, social, spiritual and physical in a safe, nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment ,underpinned by Christian values while teaching respect for other religions.
The Archdiocese of Karachi was separated from the Archdiocese of Bombay, it was erected into a diocese on the 28th May 1948, and two years later it was raised to the status of an Archdiocese. The Catholic Board of Education (CBE) established on 11th July 1961, is a legal body that manages educational institutions belonging to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi. Its purpose is to define a common policy, frame rules & regulations for the staff, employees and school management, coordinate holidays, syllabi and textbooks. The CBE also serves as a co-ordination office of information and advice. There are 58 institutions affiliated with the CBE, 19 English Medium Schools, 2 Nurseries, 36 Urdu Medium Schools and 2 Colleges. Among the English Medium Schools there are 1 Technical School, 2 Primary Schools and 18 High Schools and Among the Urdu Medium Schools, there are 19 Primary / Lower Secondary and 16 High Schools and 1 Higher Secondary School. Under the direction of the His Grace Archbishop Joseph Coutts (President) CBE works through the Board of Governors, Standing Committees of the board (Executive, Academic and Finance), and the General Body. The General Body CBE, in addition to the members of the Board of Governors and the Standing Committee it also includes Principals/ Heads and Administrators of our Institutions. The Institutions of the Catholic Board of Education are registered with the Directorate of Education, Government of Sindh. Therefore all policies with regard to Education given by the government are followed by the CBE. The schools of the diocese have to comply with all the government rules and regulations, and from time to time there is inspection by the government officials.
The following are the objectives of the Catholic Board of Education, Archdiocese of Karachi.
To ensure the provision of quality education to develop young people intellectually, morally, socially through academic and co-curricular activities so as to prepare them for life, work and citizenship. To ensure all Catholic children receive an education as their basic right. To ensure that the leadership of the educational institutions inspire confidence, openness and trust and encourage and support teachers in continuing their academic and professional development. To govern all the educational institutions that is of and affiliated with CBEK. To manage and maintain all the educational institutions that are of the CBEK To develop and review academic, human resource, finance policies and procedures to ensure quality standards and effective management of the educational institutions. To setup new educational institution and expand already existing institutions. To collect fee and fund, organize fund raising and receive grants, bequest and donations or other financial assistance for any of the above purpose, aims and objectives to be utilized for the aforementioned aims and objectives. To engage in meaningful cooperation, and develop meaningful linkages and partnerships where and when required with public and private institutions at local, national and global levels to improve quality of education and administration of its institutions. May acquire property for the CBE with the approval of the Archbishop of Karachi, with all rights and titles to the acquired property, vesting in, and exclusively belonging to CBE,K for CBE,K. To do any and all things necessary and incidental to the attainment of the aims and objectives as set forth above. It is declared that the several clauses of this Article 3 and all the powers mentioned in it are to be cumulative and in no case is the generality of the Article to be narrowed or restricted by any particularity of any other clause, nor by any general expression in the same clause or the application of any rule of construction “ejusdem-generis” or otherwise.
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